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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Philippians 2:5-11 THERE’S NOBODY LIKE JESUS Intro: Today, we are in the middle of a time set aside to honor the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sadly, most people in our world are ignorant of Him and of the real reason for this season. But, those of us who do know also know that there is nobody like Jesus! In the history of the world, many billions of people have lived and died. Many have left their mark on the tapestry of time, but no one has made as indelible an impression as a humble Jewish man named Jesus. Had He been an ordinary man, the world would have forgotten Him as soon as He had died. But, He was no ordinary man! Who He was and what He did forever altered the flow of human history and changed eternity for countless millions. Here, on the eve of the day when we will commemorate His birth into this world, I want to take a few minutes to remind you that There’s Nobody Like Jesus. These few, precious verses tell us why He was and is so different. These verses tell us that There’s Nobody Like Jesus! Notice three great lessons from His life that set Him apart. I. V. 5-8a THERE’S NOBODY LIKE HIM IN HIS ADVENT A. His Advent Was Humble - The language Paul uses is very expressive. We are told in no uncertain terms that Jesus was a real man. 1. Made Himself of no reputation - No reputation means “to empty”. Jesus voluntarily laid aside some of His divine prerogatives when He came into this world. (Omnipresence; Omnipotence; Omniscience; etc.) (Ill. The Creator was dependant upon the creature for sustenance.) 2. Took upon Him the form of a servant - Form - “That which strikes the eye”. For all appearances, Jesus would have passed for a slave. Isa. 53:3. (Ill. God in the flesh was rejected by the very people who claimed to worship, serve and love Him, John 1:11.) 3. Was made in the likeness of man - Likeness - “In the very image of something.” In the beginning of creation, God made man in His image, Gen. 1:26. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, God made Himself in man’s image! 4. Being found in fashion as a man - Fashion - “the habitus, as comprising everything in a person which strikes the senses, the figure, bearing, discourse, actions, manner of life etc.” Jesus was born as a man, He lived as a man, He suffered as a man and He died as a man. He was in every sense of the word a real, genuine, human man! He knew pain, poverty, sorrow, loneliness and rejection. He knew laughter, hope and friendship. He knew every aspect of human existence, yet He knew no sin. He voluntarily came into this world and subjected Himself to human existence so that He might identify Himself with you and me. (Ill. V. 6, “thought it not robbery to be equal with God” - Jesus did not see being of the same essence as God something to be grasped onto and held to. He willingly turned it loose for us!) He did it to save us, to understand us and to help us, Heb. 4:15-16! B. His Advent Was Holy - While God may have became a man, He never stopped being God! While Jesus Christ was 100% man, He was also 100% God! He merely concealed His heavenly fame within an earthly frame! (Ill. Every now and then the deity outshone the humanity, Matt. 17:1-5.) His advent was holy because when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, God literally came into this world and walked among men, John 1:1; 14! Nobody ever had an advent like His! II. V. 8b THERE’S NOBODY LIKE HIM IN HIS ACCOMPLISHMENT A. The Pain Of His Accomplishment - We are told that Jesus, the God-man, willingly allowed Himself to be overtaken by death! The One called the “Prince of Life”, Acts 3:15, entered the jaws of death willingly for you and me! The One Who is “the resurrection and the life”, John 11:25, humbled Himself and allowed the cruel fingers of death to wrap themselves around Him, so that we might experience His life. (Note: The death He died was no ordinary death. The Bible says it this way: “even the death of the cross”. No more brutal form of execution has ever existed n this history of the world! Jesus died in horrible agony so that you and I might live in boundless glory!) B. The Power Of His Accomplishment - In His death, Jesus provided redemption for all those who will believe on Him by faith, 1 Pet. 1:18-19. He also demonstrated the boundless love of God for sinners when He died on that cross, Rom. 5:8. When Jesus died on that cross, He opened the way to God for all who want to be saved, Eph. 2:11-22! C. The Price Of His Accomplishment - Jesus didn’t just become a man for His earthly life down here. Even after He died and rose again, He still bears the form of humanity. When Jesus became a man, He eternally limited Himself to a human form! In fact, in Heaven today, Jesus still bears the marks and the wounds of His sufferings at Calvary, Rev. 5:6; John 20:24-28. When we see Him over there, we will see Him as God, but also as the Man Who died for our sins on the cross and Who still bears the “beauty marks” of that experience in His body. Throughout eternity, the spotless bride of Christ will be reminded of the price that was paid for her redemption. I believe that eternity will ring loudly with the praises of Him Who became a man so that men might get to God! Nobody has ever accomplished what He did! III. V. 9-11 THERE’S NOBODY LIKE HIM IN HIS ADVANCEMENT (Ill. Because of the love He displayed and the price paid, both on earth and in eternity, we are told that God has “highly exalted” Jesus. This phrase means to “raise to the utmost of majesty”. There are three areas mentioned here in which God has “highly exalted” Jesus.) A. He Is Exalted In His Name - We are told that He has been given “a name that is above every name”. What name is it? JESUS! At the mention of that simple name: Live’s have been altered; Fevered brows have cooled; Blinded eyes have opened; Deaf ears have unstopped; Sin’s shackles have fallen away; Night has turned to day; Defeat has been swallowed up in the jaws of victory; Hope had replaced defeat; Dead men have come to life; Lost men have been found; Devils have trembled; Sinners have broken; Saints have shouted; Angels have bowed; More has been done through the agency and power of that Name than of all the names of all other people combined. There really is just something about that Name! The Name Jesus is the sweetest Name ever to fall upon human ears! That Name is a cause for celebration in Heaven. That Name strikes fear into the hearts of the inhabitants of Hell. That Name is what changed my life, opened my eyes and saved my soul! There’s Just Something About That Name! B. He Is Exalted In His Fame - We are told that there is a day coming when every person will bow before Him and confess Him as Lord to the glory of God the Father. Think of it! One day, every lost sinner will bow before Him and give Him glory! One day, the devil himself will bow before Jesus and honor Him. One day, every demon of Hell will call Jesus Lord! Through out history men have ridiculed Him, mocked Him and ignored Him. Today, His name is a byword and He still mocked, ridiculed and ignored by a lost world. But, the day is coming when that Name, and t he Person it represents, will receive the glory and honor He is worthy of today! I say, “Hallelujah!” C. He Is Exalted In His Claim - God declares Jesus to be “Lord”! If He is Lord, then He is worthy to be loved, served, worshiped and obeyed. If He is Lord, then He is worthy of all our time, our talents and our treasure. If He is Lord, then He deserves first place in our hearts and in our lives. If He is Lord than He should be exalted, praised and loved. If He is Lord, then let Him be Lord of all, Acts 10:36, for is He is not Lord of all, then He is not Lord at all! (Note: Every now and then someone will say, “Well, Jesus is my Savior, but I haven’t made Him Lord of my life.” Friend, you can’t make Him Lord! He is already Lord. And, you can’t have Him as Savior without also having Him as Lord. The Bible says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house.”, Acts 16:31. He is Lord whether you acknowledge it or not! But, how much better life is when we give Him the love, honor and adoration He deserves! Have you done that this Christmas season?) Nobody has ever been advanced like Him! Conc: These verses have reminded me that There’s Nobody Like Jesus! I praise His name that He came into this world, was born without sin, lived without sin and died for sin. I thank God that He rose from the dead and ascended back to Heaven for our redemption. I praise God this afternoon for His unspeakable gift of the Lord Jesus Christ! Do you know Him? Have you just been before Him lately to love on Him and thank Him for Who He is and what He has done for you? Wouldn’t it be good today for you just to give the Lord the greatest gift you have to give: yourself? Maybe you would like to come today bow before Him and thank Him and renew your commitment to Him. There really is nobody like Jesus. Let’s honor Him like we believe that’s true! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |